Over the course of five days, Miranda and Zippy traveled across Western and Eastern Norway as well as the capital region, Oslo. Here, they highlight some of their favorite spots from among the 4,000 photos they captured in Norway.
"Zippy’s photo of Loen Skylift is just so beautiful! The perspective is astonishing. With the view of the fjord right below it, and the lift climbing up to the top, you can see how contemporary and state-of-the-art this equipment is. It’s a world class destination," says Miranda.
"Miranda’s photo is an exceptional representation of what is cinematically possible at this location. It showcases the helipad and the lift itself and the architectural elements, and it also showcases the fjord in the background. There is not a terrible view to be had from this location," says Zippy.

"This photo showcases the natural beauty of Norway. I love the way the white offsets all the natural colors and the proximity to the fjord," says Zippy.

"This wasn’t a destination we had planned on stopping, but then Miranda pounded onto the dashboard and said we had to stop the car. We jumped out of the car and launched our drones. It was the most incredible light, there was no wind, and the clouds were just doing something incredible in that moment," says Zippy.
"What’s fascinating about scouting in Norway is how the altitude above the tree line differs compared to the United States. In the U.S., the tree line is usually at 2,500 to 3,000 meters (around 9,000 feet) above sea level, which is quite high. But in Norway, the tree line is much lower. This means you can reach incredible locations with breathtaking, rugged, and untouched views without feeling out of breath, says Miranda. You could shoot a car commercial here — or just turn the camera away from the road to make it look like you’re far from civilization. It’s incredibly versatile. I’m so glad we stopped!" says Miranda.

"Another mountain extravaganza. This one was a picture that Zippy shot, and it's a bird's eye drone shot. It’s exquisitely framed, and the composition is incredible. There is something so spectacular about having that angular architecture incorporated into the treeless rocky landscape," says Miranda.
"The thing that struck me about so many of these locations was how thoughtfully modern architecture has been integrated into the natural landscapes. The shapes of everything, from the bridges to the visitor center, all converge beautifully," says Zippy.

"This photo shows the versatility of the architecture, which is one of my favorite things about Norway. You have this extremely contemporary structure that's built into the grass landscape in the foreground, and then this traditional lighthouse in the background. Even though they're completely different architecturally, they have a lot of similar lines and shapes and are very geometric", says Miranda.

"We didn't alter the color of the lake, this is the way that it always looks. It looks like that because of the mineral content in the water and the way the light particles reflect. The lake becomes frozen in the winter, and many scenes from the 2021 feature film 'Three Wishes for Cinderella' were filmed atop frozen Lake Gjende and the surrounding areas," says Zippy.
"We were in a helicopter and landed on a precipice at the top of a fjord with this beautiful little cabin featuring an incredible window. You could go inside the cabin and just lounge. This cabin became famous after being featured on a makeover program called 'Adventurous Renovation.' The cabin owner was a sweetheart and would be open to filming. It would be hard to get a big crew here, but anything is doable," the two discuss.
What we learned in Norway is that anything is doable. They have very friendly municipalities and a very friendly government. And they have very helpful production service companies and great crew.

"This hotel is only about 10-15 minutes from Lake Gjende. It is located in a summer town, and there isn’t much open here in winter. But they have had productions here in the winter, and the hotel owner opened his hotel and cooked the meals for the entire crew. I think it's a great story about the infrastructure and the willingness for the Norwegians to help you make your project possible," says Miranda.

"The woodwork in that entry was really something to be admired. There are gorgeous bedrooms upstairs, and it’s big enough to shoot. I would absolutely film in this home," says Zippy.

"This photo was taken via helicopter at the beginning of the day. It’s one of the most photographed spaces in Norway for a reason," says Miranda.

"The architecture in Oslo is incredible! This area was intentionally built to look like a barcode. And when you start exploring inside it, there's just so much visual texture, color, and reflective surfaces. I feel like it could be a great spot for a thriller. It's super clean and modern, but it's, different. It's not like other contemporary structures. It has its own flavor to it," says Zippy.
Location trip facilitated by Film in Norway.
See more of Miranda's photos from Norway here.
See more of Zippy's photos from Norway here.

Miranda and Zippy have founded a business called COlabs, where they offer services such as location scouting and management, among other things. Find out more about COlabs here.